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 Is zero routine flared gas by 2030 a possibility?

Hyphen staff

Is zero routine flared gas by 2030 a possibility?

Hesham El Shamy 140 billion cubic metres  – that’s how much natural gas is flared annually, impacting human health, accelerating climate change, and releasing carbon dioxide, methane and black soot. The practice of flaring is a significant economic and environmental problem tha…

Airlines Soar Towards AI-Powered Contrail Reduction

Hyphen Web Desk

Airlines Soar Towards AI-Powered Contrail Reduction

Contrails, those wispy white streaks trailing airplanes, might seem innocuous, but they pack a surprising punch. These high-altitude ice clouds can trap heat, contributing significantly to aviation's climate impact. Now, airlines are taking aim at contrails with a weapon …

AI Powering the Greening of Agriculture

Hyphen Web Desk

AI Powering the Greening of Agriculture

Modern agriculture, while undeniably productive, has come under fire for its environmental impact. Excessive water usage, fertilizer runoff, and pesticide overuse are just a few of the concerns. However, a new wave of agricultural technology is emerging, with artificial intel…

Asia Battered by Extreme Weather in 2023, UN Report Finds

Hyphen Web Desk

Asia Battered by Extreme Weather in 2023, UN Report Finds

A new report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) paints a concerning picture for Asia, highlighting the continent as the global leader in weather-related disasters throughout 2023. Floods and storms were identified as the most destructive events, causing significan…

Insufficient Climate Action Plans Demand Urgent COP28 Progress

Hyphen Web Desk

Insufficient Climate Action Plans Demand Urgent COP28 Progress

A new report by the UN Climate Change raises concerns that current national climate action plans are inadequate to meet the ambitious goals set forth in the Paris Agreement. The report emphasizes the need for a significant acceleration of efforts to curb global greenhouse gas…

UK and Ireland Face More Brutal Winter Storms Due to Warming Planet

Hyphen Web Desk

UK and Ireland Face More Brutal Winter Storms Due to Warming Planet

A new study by a joint team of researchers from Newcastle University and the Met Office paints a concerning picture for the future of winters in the UK and Ireland. The study, which investigated how climate change may influence extreme weather events, predicts a significant r…

Swift Emission Offsets

Hyphen Web Desk

Swift Emission Offsets

A new study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand offers promising news for the fight against climate change. Researchers have found that wind farms can become net emitters of greenhouse gases within a remarkably short timeframe. The study, which review…

Warming Temperatures, Worsening Brain Health

Hyphen Web Desk

Warming Temperatures, Worsening Brain Health

A recent study published in The Lancet Neurology suggests a troubling link between climate change and neurological health. Researchers found that rising temperatures and extreme weather events could exacerbate a variety of brain conditions, raising concerns about the potentia…

Dust Boosts Plankton Blooms

Hyphen Web Desk

Dust Boosts Plankton Blooms

The vast Southern Ocean plays a critical role in mitigating climate change by absorbing a significant portion of the carbon dioxide we emit. New research sheds light on an unexpected contributor to this process:airborne dust. Scientists have long known that the world's oc…

Jet-Powered Sea Creatures Inspire Next-Gen Ocean Robots

Hyphen Web Desk

Jet-Powered Sea Creatures Inspire Next-Gen Ocean Robots

Marine researchers have set their sights on a new source of inspiration for underwater technology:jet-propelled sea creatures. A recent study by the University of Oregon investigated the locomotion techniques of salps, gelatinous marine animals that resemble jellyfish. The re…

Climate Change Takes Center Stage in Pollinator Decline

Hyphen Web Desk

Climate Change Takes Center Stage in Pollinator Decline

Pollinators, the buzzing and flitting architects of a healthy ecosystem, face a multitude of threats. Habitat loss due to urbanization and agriculture has long been a concern. But a recent study published in CABI Reviews identifies a more pervasive danger:climate change. The …

Carbon-Capturing Batteries Offer a One-Two Punch Against Climate Change

Hyphen Web Desk

Carbon-Capturing Batteries Offer a One-Two Punch Against Climate Change

Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are pioneering a revolutionary battery technology that tackles climate change with a double-barreled approach. These novel "carbon-capture batteries" not only store renewable energy b…

Tanzania Secures $790 Million Lifeline to Bolster Climate Resilience

Hyphen Web Desk

Tanzania Secures $790 Million Lifeline to Bolster Climate Resilience

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced a significant agreement with Tanzania on Friday, May 17th, 2024. The agreement provides the East African nation with a much-needed financial boost of $790 million to bolster its resilience against the growing challenges of clima…

Tanzania Secures $790 Million Lifeline to Bolster Climate Resilience

Hyphen Web Desk

Tanzania Secures $790 Million Lifeline to Bolster Climate Resilience

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced a significant agreement with Tanzania on Friday, May 17th, 2024. The agreement, reached at the staff level, provides Tanzania with nearly $790 million in financing specifically designated to bolster the country's resilience …

UAE Unveils "Blue Residency Visa" to Attract Environmental Champions

Hyphen Web Desk

UAE Unveils "Blue Residency Visa" to Attract Environmental Champions

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken a significant step towards solidifying its position as a global leader in sustainability with the introduction of the "Blue Residency Visa. " This new, long-term residency program offers a 10-year visa to individuals who have…

UAE Unveils "Blue Residency" to Attract Sustainability Champions

Hyphen Web Desk

UAE Unveils "Blue Residency" to Attract Sustainability Champions

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has introduced a new visa program designed to attract and retain global leaders in environmental protection. The "Blue Residency" grants a ten-year residency permit to individuals with a proven track record of accomplishment in sustain…

UAE issues 10-year visa for environment activists

Hyphen staff

UAE issues 10-year visa for environment activists

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has introduced a new visa program aimed at attracting and retaining individuals who significantly contribute to environmental protection. The "Blue Residency" visa offers a ten-year residency permit to those making exceptional efforts…

Creative Solutions for Discarded Underwear

Hyphen Web Desk

Creative Solutions for Discarded Underwear

The spring cleaning urge hits, and with it, the inevitable question:what to do with old underwear?While tossing them seems like the easiest option, it's not the most environmentally friendly. Landfills are overflowing with textiles, and underwear, made from a blend of fab…

 A Catalyst for Growth in the GCC

Hyphen Web Desk

A Catalyst for Growth in the GCC

The pursuit of net zero emissions, often framed as a challenge, presents a unique opportunity for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries to diversify their economies and emerge as leaders in the global energy transition. This shift holds immense potential for the region…

G7 Nations Forge Pact to Ditch Coal by 2035

Hyphen Web Desk

G7 Nations Forge Pact to Ditch Coal by 2035

In a significant stride towards combating climate change, the Group of Seven (G7) leading industrialized nations have reached an agreement to phase out coal-fired power plants by the mid-2030s. This landmark deal marks the first time the G7 has explicitly committed to a coal …

InSinkErator and Emirates Environmental Group Join Forces for a Greener UAE

Hyphen Web Desk

InSinkErator and Emirates Environmental Group Join Forces for a Greener UAE

In an effort to combat climate change and promote a more sustainable future, InSinkErator, a leading manufacturer of food waste disposers, has announced a collaborative tree-planting initiative with the Emirates Environmental Group (EEG). This partnership reflects InSinkErato…

Vianode's Sustainable Graphite Claims Substantial Carbon Footprint Reduction

Hyphen Web Desk

Vianode's Sustainable Graphite Claims Substantial Carbon Footprint Reduction

Vianode, a company specializing in innovative battery materials, has announced promising results from a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on their upcoming large-scale production of sustainable anode graphite. The LCA, a comprehensive analysis of a product's environmental impac…

Stagnant Saunas: Study Finds Climate Change Slowing Heat Waves, Lengthening Scorching Periods

Hyphen Web Desk

Stagnant Saunas: Study Finds Climate Change Slowing Heat Waves, Lengthening Scorching Periods

Heat waves, once unwelcome guests that arrived with a bang and left with a bluster, are morphing into stagnant saunas thanks to climate change. A new study published in Science Advances reveals a concerning trend: heat waves are losing their hustle, lingering over regions for…

Emissions Trading Poised to Accelerate Global Shift to Clean Energy

Hyphen Web Desk

Emissions Trading Poised to Accelerate Global Shift to Clean Energy

The International Energy Forum (IEF) has released a report highlighting the pivotal role carbon markets can play in facilitating the world's transition to clean energy. Entitled "The Role of Carbon Markets in Transitions," the report underscores the potential of…